Don’t be scared of the dismissal line, we got you!
Click the button above and send an email with your student’s name and grade level.
Every morning from 7:45 am to 8:30 am, a staff member will be outside to greet and open the door for each child as they arrive at school each day. If arriving after 8:30 am, the parent is required to park the car and walk their children to the main office and check them in.
For arrival and dismissal, the parents are to use the designated entrance and exit.
The speed limit on the school property is 10 MPH. The speed limit will be strictly enforced and any violators will be fined.
From I-85: Enter campus by using Tyger Lake Rd. Follow the signs and staff directions to go to the back of the building until you reach the drop off/pick up destination on the side of the building. Exit to Priority St.
From I-26: Enter campus by using White Star Point. Follow the signs and staff directions to go to the back of the building until you reach the drop off/pick up destination on the side of the building. Exit to Priority St.
Safety is a priority at Global Academy of SC. The school will use PikMyKid software/app to facilitate smooth, quick, and safe dismissal. All parents will receive information with their PikmyKid login/codes, either during orientation, meet the teacher or on the first day of school. It is imperative that parents are well-versed in the system.
All students must be picked up between 3:15 and 3:30 pm unless using our after-school program.
Dismissal begins at 3:15pm for all grade levels. During the first week of school, we may start dismissal early to make sure the process runs smoothly.
For dismissal, parents will follow the same traffic flow as arrival.
When entering, please make sure to have your child’s dismissal number ready. This number will be provided to you by the first day of school. Give this number to the staff member scanning-in cars. It is important that your number is scanned/recorded or your student will not know that you are in the carline.
Once the child’s number is scanned, please follow the flow of traffic. Once at the drop off/pick up area, your child will exit the building and enter your car. There will be staff members placed strategically to ensure that your child(ren) exit the building and enter your vehicle safely.
Once your child(ren) is safely in the car, a staff member will signal to exit. Please wait till the signal before moving your vehicle. Follow the route to exit the campus.
Only individuals listed on the emergency contact card and/or Authorized Pick-up Form will be allowed to pick up students from the school if not a parent/guardian.
Any legal documentation stating custody or legal access to the child must be on file with the school. Only official documents will be followed.
It is the parents’ responsibility to keep contact information updated. A valid photo identification will be required of all individuals picking up students at all times.
If being picked up inside the school (early dismissal), no child may leave without an authorized parent/guardian or other authorized adult. If anyone other than the parent/guardian is picking up the child, that person must be listed on the Authorized Pick-up Form or a written note signed by the parent/guardian is required in advance of the pick-up time to grant that permission. Parent/guardians and/or students deliver these notes to their teachers upon arrival in the morning.
If you are signing your child(ren) out early, please make sure to sign them out before 2:30pm in the main office. The teachers are not authorized to release students to parents who come to the classroom. No early checkouts will be permitted after 2:3opm, as all staff are assisting with dismissal preparation. Please do your best to refrain from excessive early checkouts as students miss valuable learning time.